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Deadline for submissions extended for Migration, Pathway to Nation Building inquiry

THE Joint Standing Committee on Migration has extended the deadline for submissions to its Migration, Pathway to Nation Building inquiry. Submissions are now open until Thursday, March 16, 2023.

Committee Chair, Maria Vamvakinou MP, said the committee took this decision to allow as many individuals, organisations, and businesses as possible to contribute evidence to the inquiry.

"Many sectors of the Australian community are directly impacted by the policy settings in place for regulating migration into the country," Ms Vamvakinou said. "It is vital for the committee to hear from as many of these sectors as possible to gain an informed view of the issues and on ways the system can be improved.

"Some industries and certain regional locations are now facing unprecedented labour shortages. Migration offers one means to help alleviate these pressures and the committee is keen to investigate these possibilities and more," she said.

Ms Vamvakinou encourages all interested individuals and groups to contribute their thoughts on this vital issue.

More details on the inquiry are available on the committee website.

The terms of reference for the inquiry are:

The Joint Standing Committee on Migration shall inquire into and report on Australia’s migration system, with reference to,

  1. The role of permanent migration in nation building, cultural diversity, and social cohesion;
  2. Immigration as a strategic enabler of vibrant economies and socially sustainable communities in our cities and regional hubs;
  3. Attraction and retention strategies for working migrants to Australia;
  4. Policy settings to strengthen skilled migrant pathways to permanent residency;
  5. Strengthening labour market participation and the economic and social contribution of migrants, including family and humanitarian migrants and the partners of working migrants;
  6. The role of settlement services and vocational training in utilising migrant experiences, knowledge, and opportunities; and
  7. Other related matters that may assist the inquiry.
