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Long COVID and repeated COVID infections inquiry releases issues paper

THE HOUSE Health Committee has released an issues paper as part of its inquiry into long COVID and repeated COVID infections. This issues paper, which is not the final inquiry report, aims to update the public on what the Committee has heard since commencing its inquiry in September 2022.

Chair of the committee, Mike Freelander MP said, "The evidence the Committee has received so far has revealed some interesting emerging themes, including the absence of a clear, established and nationally consistent definition of long COVID in Australia as well as the lack of reliable and consistent available data.

"We have also heard about the possible causes, management and treatment of long COVID and possible ways to reduce the risk of developing long COVID. The committee is looking forward to unpacking these issues in more detail as we hold more public hearings in the new year," Dr Freelander said.

The deputy chair of the committee, Melissa McIntosh MP said,"The committee thanks all members of the public and organisations who have made submissions, and witnesses who appeared at our first public hearing in October 2022. In particular, the committee appreciates the contributions from many stakeholders who have shared their lived experience of long COVID and repeated COVID infections."

While submissions to the inquiry closed on November 18, 2022, individuals and organisations wishing to make a late submission should contact the secretariat by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible.

Further information about the inquiry, including the terms of reference and published submissions are available on the Committee’s website.

