Long COVID inquiry visits Liverpool Hospital
A PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE inquiry will hear from frontline health professionals about treating long COVID and its effect on the health system.
The public hearing will be held on Monday, December 5, 2022 at Liverpool Hospital in South West Sydney as part of the House Health Committee’s inquiry into long COVID and repeated COVID infections.
Chair of the Committee, Mike Freelander MP, said, "The hearing will be an opportunity to hear from frontline health professionals about how our health system is managing long COVID, and their experience supporting patients with repeated COVID infections during some of the toughest days of the pandemic."
Deputy Chair of the Committee, Melissa McIntosh MP, said, "The committee is looking forward to hearing from hospitals, research organisations and other healthcare workers about what they have learned so far about long COVID and repeated COVID infections based on their observations while treating COVID-positive patients both during their infection and in the months after."
The committee intends to hold more public hearings in due course. While submissions to the inquiry closed on November 18, individuals and organisations wanting to make a late submission have been advised to contact the secretariat by email at
Further information about the inquiry, including the terms of reference and published submissions are available on the Committee’s website.
Public hearing details
Date: Monday, 5 December 2022
Time: 9am (AEDT) to 4.40pm (AEDT) Location: Liverpool Hospital Education and Research Centre, Hospital Eastern CampusProgram:
9.00am–9.50am: Nepean Hospital 9.50am–10.40am: Westmead Hospital 10.40am–11.00am: Break 11.00am–11.50am: The Children’s Hospital at Westmead 11.50am–12.40pm: Liverpool Hospital 12.40pm–1.30pm: Break 1.30pm–2.20pm: Campbelltown Hospital 2.20pm–3.00pm: Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research 3.00pm–3.20pm: Break 3.20pm–4.00pm: Dr Kenneth McCroary, Macarthur General Practice 4.00pm–4.40pm: Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation 4.40pm: CloseAudio of the hearing will be broadcast live at aph.gov.au/live.