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Have your say on the 2022 Federal Election

THE AUSTRALIAN Parliament’s Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters is now inviting submissions to the review of the 2022 Federal Election. The committee conducts a review of the previous election early in each new Parliament.

Committee Chair Kate Thwaites MP (Jagajaga, Vic) said the inquiry is an important part of ensuring that Australia’s democracy remains strong.

"This review is an important opportunity to examine how things worked during the last election, including areas that could be improved for future elections. It helps to ensure the conduct of our elections is accountable and transparent and supports public confidence in our electoral system and our democracy,"  Ms Thwaites said.

The terms of reference for the inquiry include examining proposals to reform laws on political donations, including real time disclosure and a reduction to the disclosure threshold, and potential reforms to election funding.

Additionally, the committee expects to focus on the potential for 'truth in political advertising' laws to enhance the integrity and transparency of the electoral system; and increasing participation of First Nations People; as well as increased electoral participation and enfranchisement generally.

The committee will be interested in hearing from anyone with a view to share, whether from a major institution like the Australian Electoral Commission, or an individual who has an interest in the electoral process.

The Terms of Reference are included below and are available from the committee website.

Submissions are open until October 7, 2022. Comments are welcome on one or more of the terms of reference, or other matters of relevance to the conduct of the 2022 Federal Election.

The committee expects to hold public hearings in due course. All relevant information will be available from the committee website as the inquiry progresses.

Further information will be available on the Inquiry website


Terms of Reference:

That the committee inquire into and report on all aspects of the 2022 federal election and related matters, including consideration of:

(a) reforms to political donation laws, particularly the applicability of 'real-time' disclosure and a reduction of the disclosure threshold to a fixed $1,000;

(b) potential reforms to funding of elections, particularly regarding electoral expenditure caps and public funding of parties and candidates;

(c) the potential for 'truth in political advertising' laws to enhance the integrity and transparency of the electoral system;

(d) encouraging increased electoral participation and lifting enfranchisement of First Nations People;

(e) the potential for the creation of a single national electoral roll capable of being used for all federal, state and territory elections in Australia;

(f) encouraging increased electoral participation and supporting enfranchisement generally, and specifically in relation to:

  1. i. accessibility of enrolment and voting for persons with a disability;
  2. ii. voting rights of Australians abroad;

iii. Australian permanent residents and new Australian citizens; and

  1. iv. New Zealand citizens residing in Australia; and

(g) proportional representation of the states and territories in the Parliament, in the context of the democratic principle of 'one vote, one value'.

