Cooperative Research Australia to showcase 30 years of CRC science and tech innovations in Canberra

COOPERATIVE Research Australia will showcase Australian cutting-edge technologies and innovations from 30 Cooperative Research Centres, spin-out companies and universities at a special event at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday, March 31.

The Innovation Showcase is part of Cooperative Research Australia’s Collaborate Innovate Conference, which also marks the 30th anniversary of the Australian Government-funded Cooperative Research Centres program. The conference brings together Australia’s senior leaders and participants in industry-research collaboration.

Innovation highlights of the exhibition include:

  • Low carbon bricks and plasterboard samples from Mineral Carbonation International;
  • Cameras and sensors to create more efficient transport systems from iMOVE CRC;
  • A sample carbon fibre wheel from Innovative Manufacturing CRC;
  • Silicon carbide wafers, a microfluidic pump, EEG headset, Biowraps, 3D printed wrist bones and femoral deformity device and smart garments from Griffith University;
  • Hives and honey from the CRC for Honey Bee Products;
  • · Upcycled food waste products and materials from the Fight Food Waste CRC;
  • A smart bed for monitoring the aged for falls and other vitals from Sleeptite;
  • · A model satellite from SmartSat CRC;
  • A soil monitor protype from the Soil CRC.

“Celebrating 30 years of the Cooperative Research Centres program, the Innovation Showcase features interactive exhibits from CRCs and CRC Projects displaying practical examples of their technologies, products and services that are improving the competitiveness, productivity, and sustainability of Australian industries," Cooperative Research Australia CEO Jane O’Dwyer said.

"The showcase will be an opportunity to see the outcomes of Australian innovation firsthand and speak to those who have driven new ideas to reality,” 

One of Australia’s most significant and distinguished champions of innovation, David Thodey AO, will deliver the keynote address at Cooperative Research Australia’s 30th Anniversary Gala Dinner (March 31).

See here for full list of showcase exhibitors:

See full conference program here:



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