$250 million to build better regions, create jobs and boost local economies

THE Liberal and Nationals Government is providing another $250 million to fund the infrastructure and services regional Australian communities need to grow and prosper.

Applications are now open for Round 6 of the Government’s Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF), paving the way for new projects that regional communities deserve to be funded and delivered.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, Barnaby Joyce said the government was focused on ensuring the "regions remain strong and grow into the future".

“Regional Australians deserve the same services and opportunities that people in metropolitan cities have and the Building Better Regions Fund helps make this happen,” Deputy Prime Minister Joyce said.

“That’s why we’ve committed another $250 million for projects and initiatives that will transform communities, create new jobs and drive economic growth across regional Australia.

“Backing regional communities will help secure our economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic while ensuring regional Australians can get ahead.

“This latest investment in new projects will build on the 298 fantastic regional projects that shared in $300 million in funding under the last round of the Building Better Regions Fund," Mr Joyce said.

“Our government is committed to delivering the best outcomes for regional and remote Australia, which is why we are continuing to support the businesses and people who call regional Australia home.”

Funding under Round 6 takes the Government’s total investment through the BBRF to $1.38 billion.

The BBRF supports economic and social infrastructure for the long-term benefit of regional communities. Funding the infrastructure and services that communities need for the future will create jobs and help them rebound strongly from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Projects will be funded under two streams. The Infrastructure Projects Stream supports the construction of new infrastructure, or the upgrade or extension of existing infrastructure.

The Community Investments Stream funds community development activities including, but not limited to, new or expanded local events, strategic regional plans, leadership and capability building activities.

Applications close on Thursday, February 10, 2022.

Infrastructure Projects Stream: https://business.gov.au/grants-and-programs/building-better-regions-fund-infrastructure-projects-stream-round-6

Community Investments Stream: https://business.gov.au/grants-and-programs/building-better-regions-fund-community-investments-stream-round-6



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