CFMEU head office COVID-19 positive cases grow

THE CONFIRMED COVID-19 cases from the CFMEU Victorian head office protest gathering have grown to seven, spreading to innocent family members including, elderly parents, wives, brothers, and sisters as well as dozens of young children including two babies.

John Setka, Secretary of the CFMEU Victoria-Tasmania said, “The tragedy is that due to the actions of these reckless and selfish protesters, many of these members families who have been infected are very sick with the delta virus.

“These protesters are just selfish idiots with absolutely no care for anyone other than themselves. The have caused enormous stress and heartache for members families’ who were just doing their job on the day of the protest.

“While we welcome construction opening back up to 25% percent today, these members won’t be going back to work and along with their families will be in quarantine for two weeks with the added stress of so many family members being very sick and some hospitalised.

“The CFMEU along with the Building Industry Group of unions are committed to continuing to work tirelessly to get everyone back to work and do our bit to help stop the spread of this virus which doesn’t discriminate,” Mr Setka said.


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