NSW Roadmap to Freedom 'very welcome news' for accommodation sector

THE Accommodation Association today thanked the NSW Government for unveiling its Roadmap to Freedom for the fully vaccinated, especially given the important lead-in timeframe which will allow hotels and motels to properly prepare.
The NSW Roadmap and the very clear communication of the threshold trigger of 70 percent double vaccinated, plus the framework under which reopening would be delayed or restrictions reimposed, is exactly what the Association has been asking for on behalf of members and their teams.

Accommodation Association CEO Dean Long said, “Our sector is one of the hardest hit and the fact that we now have a Roadmap to Reopening in NSW with clarity on what’s involved and when we are all able to start living and operating a bit more normally is very welcome.
“Hotels and motels can’t just throw open their doors and open their rooms on the day restrictions lift. They need time to prepare, to bring back the team, to provision up and to put all the necessary systems in place to deliver the best and safest experience for guests and for staff," Mr Long said.
“Getting back to a more normal life as soon as possible and as safely is possible is in all our interests so please get fully vaccinated as soon as possible and encourage those around you to do the same so that we hit that magic 70 percent threshold as soon as possible.”

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