Policy, regulation, infrastructure and exports: Key issues for Australia's aquaculture industry

ISSUES such as country of origin labelling, regional infrastructure and regulatory pathways in aquaculture will be considered by the House Agriculture and Water Resources Committee at an upcoming public hearing.

The committee will hear from Seafood Industry Australia, the national peak body representing the Australian seafood industry, as part of its current inquiry into Australia’s aquaculture sector. The organisation will be appearing via videoconference.

Committee Chair, Rick Wilson MP, said Seafood Industry Australia represents a wide range of stakeholders in aquaculture throughout Australia and offers perspectives from across the industry on a broad range of topics such as policy, regulation, workforce, infrastructure and export market growth.

"While the committee has heard that there are many region-specific issues to be considered in this inquiry, it is valuable to understand how these are reflected on a national scale," Mr Wilson said.

For further information, visit the inquiry website.

Public hearing details

Date: Thursday, 26 August 2021
Time: 10.10am to 10:50am AEST

A live audio stream of the hearing will be accessible at: www.aph.gov.au/live.



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