Home Affairs and ASD respond to industry on Security of Critical Infrastructure

THE Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee will hold its fourth public hearing tomorrow as part of its Review of the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 and Statutory Review of the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018.

The committee will hear from the Department of Home Affairs and the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) at a recall hearing to address evidence presented by industry and subject matter experts from previous hearings and in further submissions received to the inquiry.

Senator James Paterson, Chair of the committee, said, "The committee has heard from a wide range of independent experts and entities proposed for regulation by the Bill and the existing regime.

“The committee has heard important evidence, not just on how these laws may impact critical infrastructure service providers and their customers, but also on the scale of the cyber threat from both criminal and state actors.

“Committee members will seek the feedback of the Department and ASD to that evidence to assist us in formulating our report and recommendations.”

Further information on the inquiry can be obtained from the Committee’s website.

Public Hearing Details

Thursday, 29 July 2021
2pm – 5pm (AEST)
Committee Room 2R1, Parliament House, Canberra and via videoconference

program for the hearing is available on the Committee’s website and the hearing will be broadcast live at aph.gov.au/live.



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