The future of investment in Australia's exports: hearings

THE Parliamentary Trade and Investment Growth Committee is continuing its program of public hearings on July 27 and 28, in relation to its inquiry into the prudential regulation of investment in Australia’s export industries.

The Committee Chair, George Christensen MP, said that, after the committee heard from export industries in the inquiry’s first hearing, the committee is interested to hear from financial and investment groups about risks and opportunities associated with Australia’s export industries.

"Australia’s export industries rely on financial institutions for investment, insurance, and to launch new projects. The committee is looking forward to hearing how these institutions can support growth in Australia’s export industries, which contribute so much to Australia’s economy," Mr Christensen said.

Witnesses include the Australian Banking Association and Australia’s Big Four banks, representatives of the superannuation and insurance sectors, unions, and investor advisory groups.

Public hearing details

Date: Tuesday, 27 July 2021
Time: 9am – 4.55pm

Date: Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Time: 10.40am – 4.15pm

Due to the public hearings being held by videoconference and teleconference, public access will be available via the live broadcast at Further information about the Committee’s inquiry, including the public hearing programs, is available on the Committee’s webpage.



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