Public Accounts committee inquires into Defence Major Projects and Commonwealth Financial Statements

THE Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA) has commenced two inquiries into important areas of public sector accountability as part of its examination of Auditor-General’s reports.

The Auditor-General's reports on Defence Major Projects and on Commonwealth Financial Statements are critical accountability mechanisms for the expenditure of public funds.

Committee Chair Lucy Wicks MP said the Major Projects Report inquiry was an important opportunity for Parliament to review the cost, progress and technical attributes of major Defence acquisitions, and the review of financial statements gives the committee the chance to examine Federal Government agencies' expenditure.

"The JCPAA scrutinises the governance, performance and accountability of Commonwealth agencies, to examine whether public money is used in an efficient, effective, economical and ethical manner," Ms Wicks said. "The committee has an important role holding Commonwealth agencies to account."

The Committee invites submissions to the inquiries which address the terms of reference. Public hearings will be held in the second half of 2021.

For more information about this Committee, visit its website.


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