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Melbourne to host the 2014 National Small Business Summit


The Council of Small Business of Australia (COSBOA) has partnered with the Victorian Government to bring the key issues facing small business to the top of the national agenda by co-hosting the 12th annual National Small Business Summit to be held at the Crown Conference Centre, Melbourne on 7 – 8 August 2014.

Robert Mallett, Chair for COSBOA said that Melbourne was the logical choice for this year’s summit location with the next State election for Victoria scheduled for Saturday, 29 November and the Small Business Festival Victoria running from 1 - 31 August, providing a robust platform for debate and discussions.

“Partnering with the Victorian Government will help to build on the momentum of last year’s hugely successful Summit held in the lead up to the federal election, and will ensure that COSBOA continues to provide a strong voice for Australian small businesses,” Mr Mallett said.

“We invite anyone interested in the health, wealth and wellbeing of the small business sector to participate in the important debates and discussions at the 2014 National Small Business Summit to help shape the future of our country and economy.”

The 2014 Summit is once again expected to draw a stellar line-up of speakers and attendees, such as the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, Treasurer and Small Business Commissioner.

“The networking opportunities and depth of conversation presented will move the issues facing small business forward. The Summit attracts small business representatives, senior politicians, bureaucrats and big business representatives in an annual exchange of ideas, opinions and experiences aimed to drive change and build productivity,” added Mr Mallett.

“The theme of People, Policy and Productivity will continue to drive the Summit agenda and COSBOA will remain focussed on vital issues such as workplace relations; the collection of superannuation; contract law and competition policies; women in business and the burdensome compliance and regulation demands placed on small business people.

“Small businesses are a major part of the Australian economy, employing over 4.5 million people and greatly contributing to local communities. It’s small business people who have the capability to innovate and deal with adversity, and COSBOA is committed to ensuring they receive the recognition and support they need and deserve.”

Registrations for the 2014 National Small Business Summit are now open.

Visit: for more information and to register today.
