Accommodation Association welcomes Federal Goverment support

THE Accommodation Association has applauded National Cabinet’s four phase pathway out of the pandemic.

The international travel ban has significantly impacted metropolitan hotels particularly those in the international hubs of Sydney and Melbourne. Sydney hotels are currently at sub-2 percent occupancy and facing at least 50 percent cancellation rates all the way through to August as a result of the most recent state and territory border closures and restrictions. 

“The Accommodation Association along with the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and several other peak bodies have been calling for National Cabinet to release its roadmap to recovery and we welcome the common-sense approach outlined in today’s four stage plan," Accommodation Association CEO Dean Long said.
“We look forward to continuing to work with government at all levels as we work towards establishing key milestones in learning to live safely with COVID within a more normal framework.
Our sector more than most has been heavily hit as a result of the international travel ban and the ongoing domestic border closures and restrictions. Our people and our properties, especially those hotels and accommodation providers in Sydney and Melbourne, have been under immense pressure and today’s announcement means we can all breathe a little easier because an end is now in sight," Mr Long said.

“Hotel quarantine has been critically important to allow thousands of Australians return home. Our members look forward to working with the government to ensure all Australians that wish to return home can.
“We welcome the enhanced vaccination rollout, and we encourage all Australians to get vaccinated so that we can all get back to living and travelling sooner rather than later.”\


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