Visa news for chefs a 'bright light' says Accommodation Association

TODAY’s news of the addition of chefs to the Priority Skilled Migration Occupation List is a welcomed bright light in an otherwise bleak time for the accommodation sector.  

Peak industry body, the Accommodation Association has been lobbying on this issue for some time with a recent submission outlining the critical skills shortages currently being faced by the tourism accommodation sector. The two areas of critical shortage are housekeeping and chefs. 
“Accommodation Association is very pleased to see the much-needed addition of chefs to the Priority Skilled Migration Occupation List,” Accommodation Association CEO Dean Long said.
“The accommodation sector has been significantly impacted by COVID-19, losing 50 percent of its workforce at the commencement, with further reductions due to the prolonged nature of the pandemic. As we emerge from the pandemic with international borders closed, the industry is seeking to meet the fluctuations in demand, with employment a direct function of rooms sold.
“There is currently a critical shortage of chefs and house keepers. The industry has been extensively advertising to permanent residents for these positions but with little success.

"The recognition of the importance of these roles and the addition of chefs to the Priority Skilled Migration Occupation List is a positive step in addressing the skills shortage and challenges currently facing the sector. We welcome the Federal Government’s support in the sustainable recovery of our industry.”
About the Accommodation Association
The Accommodation Association represents over 80 percent of all known accommodation providers from small regional parks, caravan parks, serviced apartments and resorts through to the largest hotel groups in the world including Accor, Hilton, Wyndham Destinations and IHG.


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