Queensland’s first State of Volunteering Report uncovers the true value of volunteering

TODAY Volunteering Queensland will launch the first State of Volunteering in Queensland 2021 Report. The report found that, remarkably, more than 3 million people -- more than 75 percent of the population -- volunteered 900 million hours in 2020, a year that was challenging for all.

“We have always believed that the majority of Queenslanders volunteer in some way. Now we have the evidence to confirm that, with over 3 million Queenslanders volunteering – that’s a participation rate of 75.7 percent and certainly something we should all be proud of and celebrate," Volunteering Queensland CEO Mara Basanovic said.

“Whilst we now have evidence of the high participation rate in both informal and formal volunteering, there are still many challenges facing the volunteering sector. About 38 percent of volunteer-involving organisations saw a decrease in their volunteer numbers, with time and health reasons being the main barriers to people being able to volunteer," Ms Basanovic said.

The report has uncovered the true value of volunteering in the state, with volunteers contributing almost $84 billion in value to the Queensland community. 

Another astounding finding is the size of the volunteer workforce in Queensland. The volunteer workforce is three times the size of the Queensland Government and nearly as big as the private sector. The cost to replace the labour of this workforce in 2020 would have been approximately $37.1 billion.

"We have always known that volunteering is a valuable contributor to Queensland’s economy. Now we have the hard facts, each year volunteering contributes almost $84 billion to our state. 

Not only does volunteering contribute almost $84 billion annually to the community, it also offers a significant return on investment. For every $1 invested in volunteering, it delivers a return of $4.10 back to the community," Ms Basanovic said.

Queenslanders are motivated to volunteer to help each other, the simple act of giving, she said.

"As we celebrate National Volunteer Week 2021, we recognise the selfless act of over 3 million Queenslanders who are giving their precious time for an average 5.7 hours every week to help others."

On Friday May 21, as National Volunteer Week comes to an end, Volunteering Queensland will be celebrating these remarkable volunteers at the Queensland Volunteer Awards. 



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