Release of the mental health and suicide prevention interim report

YESTERDAY the House Select Committee on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention released its interim report.

The committee’s interim report includes an update on the committee’s activities to date, and emerging themes identified through recent reports into Australia’s mental health system and engagement with the Productivity Commission, National Mental Health Commission and Department of Health.

Chair of the committee,Fiona Martin MP, said, "The interim report provides a snapshot of the breadth of work underway on mental health and suicide prevention. It also identifies some areas that the committee feels need further examination as the inquiry progresses.

"These areas include the divide between public and private mental healthcare, coordination and funding of mental health services, affordability, the growth of telehealth and digital services in response to COVID-19, and the role of professional bodies in advocating for, regulating and supporting the workforce."


Moving into the second phase of the inquiry, the committee will hold a series of public hearings with a range of organisations, from public and private mental health service providers to organisations representing consumers and carers, professional and peak bodies, and researchers.

The dates and locations of public hearings will be published on the inquiry website.

The interim report can be accessed on the committee’s website.

The final report of the committee is due to be presented by November 1, 2021.

The committee is unable to intervene or provide advice in relation to individual circumstances. 

Lifeline Australia 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back 1300 659 467
Kids Help Line 1800 551 800
BeyondBlue 1300 224 636
eheadspace 1800 650 890



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