Public hearing on Myanmar set for April 13

THE Foreign Affairs and Aid Subcommittee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade will hold a public hearing on Tuesday April 13 in Canberra to examine recent worrying developments in Myanmar in greater depth, and to hear from concerned sectors of Australian society about the troubling direction Myanmar has taken since the military coup of February 1.

Chair of the subcommittee, Dave Sharma MP, said, “More than 60 individuals and organisations responded to our call for expressions of interest to participate in the public hearing. There is clearly a high degree of community concern within Australia about the escalating violence and rising death toll in Myanmar, and the increasingly inhumane behaviour of the military leadership there."

Deputy Chair Julian Hill MP said,"The response from across the community has been overwhelming. On Tuesday the subcommittee will hear from individuals and organisations part of the Myanmar diaspora and community, government departments, and other experts.”

The program has been published on the Committee’s website.

The public hearing is being held with limited numbers in a controlled and COVID safe manner. The hearing will be broadcast, and can be viewed through the APH website.

Public hearing details

Date: Tuesday 13 April 2021
Time: 9.30am to 4pm AEST
Location: Main Committee Room, Parliament House, Canberra

9.30am: Open
9.30am–10.30am: Government Departments
10.45am–12.30pm: Diaspora, community groups and individuals
1.15pm–2.30pm: Experts, academics and NGOs
2.40pm–4pm: Experts, academics and NGOs
4pm: Close

The hearing will be broadcast live at


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