ARA welcomes new CEO of Service Skills Australia

PEAK retail industry body the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) congratulates Yasmin King on her new role as Chief Executive Officer of Service Skills Australia (SSA) and thanks predecessor Jeanette Allen for her 10 years of outstanding service to SSA and the retail industry.

ARA Executive Director Russell Zimmerman said the ARA and ARA Retail Institute have always had a strong working relationship with Jeanette Allen during her time as CEO of SSA.

“On behalf of the ARA and the retail industry, I would like to wish Ms Allen all the best for her future endeavours.

“The ARA and Retail Institute have also maintained a strong working relationship with Yasmin King during her time as Small Business Commissioner for NSW.

“We congratulate Ms King on her new appointment and look forward to continuing a long and fruitful relationship once her new role officially commences on 17 June,” Mr Zimmerman said.

Since 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has been the peak industry body representing Australia’s $265 billion retail sector, which employs over 1.2 million people. The ARA ensures retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 5,000 independent and national retail members throughout Australia.

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