PSA: NSW budget cuts force ICAC to beg for funding every year

INDEPENDENT funding for ICAC is needed now, according to the Public Service Association, so the corruption watchdog can focus on its investigations rather than trying find annual budget savings.

"Every year budgetary pressure sees ICAC forced to go cap in hand to the Premier for supplementary funding," PSA general secretary Stewart Little said.

"In 2021, the fearless investigator is being asked to find $3.4 million in savings for the next four years.

"Without this cash it is hamstrung in its ability to sniff out corruption or run multiple investigations. The Berejiklian government is whittling it down to its smallest size in three decades."

The latest budget pressure comes after ICAC was forced to find $4.7 million in savings in 2019/20, and $2.9 million in 2018/2019.

"Independent and consistent funding, which is allocated at arm's length from the government, is needed urgently. Keeping NSW corruption free shouldn't be treated as a line item in the budget, it is a core service we need," Mr Little said.

"ICAC is the ultimate check on government. Funding independence removes any threat of pressure from those ICAC is investigating."


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