National disability campaign #SeeME launches to an emotional response

ON TUESDAY, STEPS Employment Solutions launched their highly anticipated #SeeME campaign launch event.

The national campaign, which features a video series, explores the realities of nine extraordinary individuals who face barriers to employment and highlights the importance of concentrating on the abilities of job seekers. This idea is embodied in the event’s tagline of “employMYability”.

The event featured the first screening of all nine participants’ powerful stories, and also saw the nine participants and other speakers share their experience and insights with the audience.

The video series garnered emotional responses from the audience, as well as from the participants themselves.

Carmel Crouch, managing director of STEPS, was also present at the event and shared the importance of campaigns like #SeeME in changing the landscape for young Australians with barriers to gaining employment.

“STEPS Employment Solutions and the idea of giving equal job opportunities to young people with disabilities was what initially began what is now known as STEPS Group Australia in 1989,” Ms Crouch said.

Kerry Staines, the chief executive officer of STEPS Group Australia, spoke at the event and shared her great confidence in what campaigns like #SeeME could achieve.

“This campaign really embodies our core message; that young adults with disabilities, mental health issues, or any other barriers have so much to offer in the workspace,” Ms Staines said.

“Our nine participants are such a small part of such a large group of amazing, qualified, and deserving people.

“I really hope that this campaign helps more employers see that good employees don’t just come in one form.”

While the campaign’s launch was a great success, each participant has far more insight and experience that they look forward to sharing with the Australian community.

“It has been a great opportunity to share what it’s like to try to overcome barriers in employment,” one of the campaign’s participants, Jessica, said.  

“Hopefully, we can encourage more conversations about those barriers and the strengths of diversity.

“Inclusive workspaces start in the hiring process so working toward better knowledge and processes will surely highlight our abilities.”

Participants stories are on the STEPS Employment Solutions YouTube channel at


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