Streamlining skilled migration

THE Joint Standing Committee on Migration today presented an interim report for its inquiry into Australia’s skilled migration program.

Committee chair Julian Leeser MP said, “The committee has heard repeatedly that skilled migrants create Australian jobs. With over 500,000 temporary visa holders leaving Australia during the COVID pandemic, we need to bring back skilled migration, to fill essential gaps and to help create more jobs for Australians.

“Skilled migrants provide much needed skills to fill skills gaps, offering businesses the opportunity to better meet demand and expand, and to pass on their skills to Australians,” Mr Leeser said.

“Australia has always been an attractive destination for migrants. Our excellent response to the health and economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic has made Australia an even more attractive destination. Now is the time to attract highly talented individuals and businesses to Australia.

“The report recommends a number of measures to streamline the system to ensure we can capitalise on the opportunity in front of us."

The interim report makes recommendations focused on assisting in recovery from the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The inquiry will continue with a wider focus on long term reform of the skilled migration program. Submissions responding to the terms of reference will be accepted until March 31, 2021.

A copy of the interim report and more details about the inquiry are available on the committee website.


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