Builders want the IR Omnibus Bill passed this week

MASTER BUILDERS Australia is calling on the Senate to pass the IR Omnibus Bill this week. 

Denita Wawn, CEO of Master Builders Australia said, “Senators need to back this Bill to support economic recovery, it’s that simple.

“Business investment remains low while other indicators of recovery are rebounding. Passing this Bill will send a strong signal to businesses that pragmatic measures to grow the economy are being put in place, boosting confidence that they can hire more people and invest in generating more business activity,” she said. 

“Productivity boosting measures in the Bill include reducing the unnecessary technicalities and complexities that currently beset the IR system. It will encourage enterprise bargaining in our industry which has fallen by over 33 percent in recent years,” Ms Wawn said. 

“With every $1 dollar spent on construction generating $3 in wider economic activity, governments around the country are investing billions to harness the industry’s multiplier effect and build the bridge to recovery. Passing the Omnibus Bill will unlock even more productivity and jobs in the sector. 

“Master Builders does not agree with everything in this Bill, but we have determined not to let ‘the pursuit of the perfect be the enemy of the good’ as it includes positive measures that will boost business confidence and unlock investment to drive economic growth to the benefit of the whole community. 

“The Senate should the pass Omnibus Bill this to improve the operation of the IR system to support the nation’s economic recovery,” Ms Wawn said.


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