Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources Committee takes off to South Australia

THE House Standing Committee on Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources will travel to South Australia to hold a public hearing for its inquiry into Developing Australia’s Space industry.

The committee will also conduct site visits of some of Australia’s awe-inspiring space technology and infrastructure, including the RAAF No 1 Remote Sensor Unit, Lot 14 and the Australian Space Agency.

The chair of the committee, Barnaby Joyce MP said, "Australia was at the forefront of the space industry in the 1960s. From the geophysicists to the welder to the scientists soldering together the wire on a new Australian satellite, our nation has a future in space.

"Like all the space endeavours the benefits are far greater on the ground after the launch than the initial thrill of successful deployment. This inquiry will inform and ventilate the benefits of our own space industry across our nation," Mr Joyce said.

The committee is keen to learn more about what capabilities, support, skills and training are required for Australia to be a leader in space. It will hear from a range of stakeholders who are already playing a role in developing this important industry.

Hearing details

Date: Wednesday 10 March 2021
Time: 9am–3.15pm
Venue: Adelaide Hilton (Victoria Room), 233 Victoria Square, Adelaide.

A copy of the public hearing program can be found on the Committee’s website.


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