Mangoola mining jobs matter: Council should support extension says union

MUSWELLBROOK Shire Council should "reverse its bizarre opposition to an extension of Mangoola mine and back the hundreds of local jobs it will sustain"the Mining Union said today. 

CFMEU Northern Mining and NSW Energy vice president Jeff Drayton said coal miners had traditionally been able to rely on local government representatives to support their jobs because of mining’s contribution to the region.  

“Muswellbrook Council’s opposition to the mine was surprising and seems to be based on spurious grounds,” Mr Drayton said. 

“All mining proposals should of course meet the high environmental and regulatory standards required in NSW. Glencore’s proposal for Mangoola does this, while also creating jobs and delivering millions for the local and state economy.” 

The Mangoola Coal Continued Operations Project, which is currently being considered by the Independent Planning Commission of NSW (IPCN), would extend the mine’s operation until 2030. The mine would otherwise cease production in early 2025. 

The project would sustain 400 existing coal mining jobs, which would grow to 480 over the course of the project; create an additional 145 construction jobs; and provide a $92.6million net benefit to the Upper Hunter over the course of the project. 

Mangoola Mine has a highest proportion of local workers of any in the area, the union said, with 88 percent living in the Muswellbrook, Upper Hunter and Singleton Local Government Areas. 

The Mangoola extension should be considered on its merits and not on ideological grounds, Mr Drayton said. 

“I encourage all Muswellbrook Shire Councillors to reconsider council’s position and back local jobs,” he said. 

“And I urge Muswellbrook community members to make a submission to the IPCN showing their support for the jobs and economic activity the Mangoola extension will create.”


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