JobSeeker increase welcome but is it enough? - CPA Australia

CPA AUSTRALIA has welcomed the permanent increase in the rate of JobSeeker, announced today, but says the amount of the rise may not be sufficient.

CPA Australia chief executive officer Andrew Hunter said, “For many unemployed workers the JobSeeker payment doesn’t provide adequate support or security. An increase was overdue before the pandemic.”

CPA Australia called on the government to permanently increase the rate of JobSeeker in its 2021-22 Federal Budget Submission.

Mr Hunter said, “We’re pleased the government has announced an increase in JobSeeker but the new rate still won’t provide adequate support or security to many recipients.

“A wide range of views have been expressed as to why today’s announcement is justified. We join this consensus from an economic and societal perspective.

“It doesn’t make sense to leave so many households struggling to make ends meet in these difficult times," he said.

“One of the surest ways to get money circulating in an economy is to assist people who will spend it. JobSeeker recipients have limited capacity to save and will use additional amounts to buy goods and services that support business and the economy.

“From a public interest perspective, people who are unable to find work shouldn’t be denied the ability to afford the basics; they shouldn’t be excluded from actively participating in society.

CPA Australia has recommended the government establish a regular review process for JobSeeker, similar to annual wage reviews conducted by the Fair Work Commission.


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