Extra time for submissions to external territory inquiries

THE Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories has extended the time for making submissions to its two current inquires to 31 March 2021.

The inquiry into economic, social and environmental sustainability in the Indian Ocean Territories is examining topics including education, research, citizen science, biodiversity, job creation, costs of living and socially responsible development.

The inquiry into enabling communications infrastructure in Australia’s external territories of Norfolk Island, Christmas Island, and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands is considering the current communications situation in each of the territories, activity underway to enhance connectivity and services, and the options and opportunities for improving availability of and access to communications infrastructure.

Committee chair, Anne Webster MP, said, “The committee wants to ensure all interested people and organisations, including residents, businesses and community groups have an opportunity to put forward their views.”

The Committee is accepting submissions addressing the terms of reference until 31 March 2021. The terms of reference for each inquiry and further information on how to prepare and lodge a submission can be found on the inquiry websites.

Public hearings are being planned and will be announced in due course.


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