How the cloud makes ERP affordable for just about all organisations

By Rod Taubman >>

FOR LARGE ORGANISATIONS, reliable enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are an essential part of conducting business efficiently.

ERP software lets companies organise, analyse and report on data drawn from a single, centralised source. This facilitates easy access for all departments from human resources, financial management, customer management and inventory and supply chain information from one location.

It’s crucial for business leaders to have access to relevant information when needed, especially if the company operates across different cities and countries, which makes it more challenging to gather and consolidate accurate information in real time.

Centralising systems helps to maintain consistency across operations, regardless of location. However, with increasing numbers of the Australian workforce now operating remotely, ERP systems are becoming even more important to businesses of all sizes.

As organisations continue to transition towards remote working models, investing in cloud-based software for different operational needs is becoming increasingly important. Cloud-based software empowers employees to continue working and collaborating as seamlessly as they would in a central location, which is imperative to achieving business continuity and success in the new working world. 

For many organisations, investing in cloud-based ERP systems will help streamline efficiencies, reduce costs across the business and ensure business resilience into the future.


Business executives are continuing to look closely at the bottom line in the current economic environment.

Ongoing business disruption amid the pandemic has put pressure on managers to keep costs low and workforce productivity high. Investing in cloud-based ERP systems, among other cloud technologies, presents an ideal opportunity for managers to meet this requirement.

Legacy hardware and software solutions can involve excessive maintenance costs. These costs can grow with more users operating remotely, as businesses need to upgrade licensing to install products across new devices and invest in more robust security measures to keep all systems secure and operational while employees work from home.

This can also pose challenges for IT teams when it comes to managing and maintaining systems, as it can be difficult to upgrade systems efficiently without direct access to devices.

However, by investing in cloud-based systems, business teams can begin to reduce these excessive costs.

Depending on organisational requirements, cloud-based systems offer increased scalability compared to legacy systems, typically involving different licensing plans that can flex to suit changing business needs.

As different devices are added to an organisation’s network for users working from home, IT teams can remotely install the right systems and the relevant supporting systems and security processes. These systems can also be updated and upgraded with ease.


Cloud-based ERP systems don’t require onerous, on-premises upgrades and new versions or changes are automatically applied, which ensures the company software is always up to date. Without cumbersome installation or updating processes involved, this can also reduce both the time and cost involved in maintaining ERP systems.

As well as providing increased scalability, cloud-based ERP systems facilitate improved accessibility and flexibility across the remote workforce. Cloud-based ERP systems can be customised to meet specific company needs, which can empower users to make better business decisions based on more relevant, accurate and often real-time data.

By investing in cloud-based systems for ERP, companies can access a higher quality system for every department, which will positively impact on collaboration both internally and across the entire supply chain.

With increased accessibility, all departments can capture the same data whenever and wherever they need it, which can lead to more efficient conversations and updates for suppliers, customers and partners. This, in turn, can lead to more efficient working practices and increased productivity, positively impacting the bottom line.


Newer technologies, including cloud-based ERP systems, typically offer organisations more opportunities for automation. Integrating more automation into ERP is essential for businesses, particularly in times of economic uncertainty and business disruption.

By integrating systems in the cloud for enhanced accessibility and collaboration across remote workforces and departments, cloud-based ERP systems rely less on outdated spreadsheets and manual processes, instead opting for more automation within the systems.

By centralising data and information, teams no longer need to manually update and share information with other departments across the business. Manual processes create opportunities for errors, which can affect decision-making accuracy and be costly for the business. Instead, teams can access the same data at the same time, which can break down communication silos between departments.

In addition, cloud-based ERP systems can integrate automation to streamline internal processes. By automating smaller repetitive tasks, like updating data, businesses can free up human employees to spend more time on more complex and higher priority tasks to provide a better level of service for customers.

Investing in ERP systems can be costly; however, transitioning towards cloud-based ERP systems can be a more cost-effective strategy in the long term, making it a more affordable choice for businesses of all sizes.

By investing in a more scalable and accessible solution, organisations can receive a most robust return on the ERP investment.

The author, Rod Taubman, is the managing director of Acclimation, a Melbourne-based, privately owned software and services consulting firm founded in 2008 with offices in Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Hobart and Singapore.


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