Indian Ocean territories sustainability inquiry

THE Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories will commence an inquiry into the challenges, barriers and opportunities for economic, social and environmental sustainability in the Indian Ocean Territories.

The inquiry will examine a range of sustainability challenges, economic opportunities and environmental issues.

Committee Chair Anne Webster MP said: “The inquiry will look at ways the economies of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island could be diversified, while balancing social and environmental considerations.

“We look forward to engaging with communities in the Indian Ocean Territories and hearing their views during the inquiry process.  We want to hear from all interested people and organisations, including residents, businesses and community groups.”

The inquiry terms of reference include topics such as education, research, citizen science, biodiversity, job creation, costs of living and socially responsible development.

The Committee is accepting submissions addressing the terms of reference until January 27, 2021. Further information on how to prepare and lodge a submission can be found on the inquiry website. Public hearings are expected to be held during 2021.

This inquiry will be conducted concurrently with the Committee’s inquiry into communications infrastructure.


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