Industry calls for consistency in caravan park insurance 

AUSTRALIA'S peak caravan and camping industry group has welcomed the handing down of the Insurance Inquiry Report December 2020 by Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO), Kate Carnell,

The Caravan Industry Association of Australia has worked closely with its members and industry organisations to strongly advocate on the challenges that caravan park operators are facing in accessing and affording public liability and natural disaster insurance. 

Caravan Industry Association of Australia CEO, Stuart Lamont, said these challenges had "put many business operators against the ropes" following the devastating bushfire season and COVID-19 travel restrictions.

The Ombudsman’s acknowledgment of market failure and the need to provide certainty to small business operators is a welcomed and accurate summary of the current insurance sector,” Mr Lamont said.

"Caravan Park operators, who are fully regulated by relevant state and federal legislation regarding work health and safety, are not seeking to avoid their responsibility regarding public liability and natural disaster management.  They are, however, seeking a consistent framework that ensures their significant investments and liability are able to be protected.

“The recommendations by the Ombudsman are a step in the right direction to support the caravan park industry," Mr :Lamont said. "Specifically, expanding the Australian Reinsurance Pool to cover all-natural disasters and adopting statutory caps on public liability will provide ongoing confidenceto operators that they will be able to find and be covered by adequate policy.”


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