AWU welcomes fuel refinery support package, urges action on odd-man-out BP

THE Australian Workers’ Union (AWU) has welcomed the Federal Government’s support package for Australia’s fuel refineries and has called for BP to be pulled into line so Western Australia can retain its fuel refining capacity as well.

The Federal Government’s package offers Australia’s under-pressure refineries some relief in exchange for a commitment to stay operational for the next decade.

AWU national secretary Daniel Walton, who led a delegation to Canberra this month to push for refinery support, said the package showed Australia can and should retain its fuel refining capacity.

“On behalf of the thousands of AWU members who refine fuel in Australia I commend the government for listening and for acting. Today’s announcement is a hugely important step,” Mr Walton said.

“Being able to make our own fuel is a critical sovereign capability. Without it, we are completely at the mercy of trade routes that are threatened by potential international conflict or pandemics.

“The Federal Government has done the right thing here by recognising the national interest and doing a deal that create a path for our fuel refineries stay open.

“Obviously the industry is highly dynamic and we will keep working with our members, employers, and the government to ensure these policies are continuously reviewed and calibrated to ensure Australia retains its fuel refining capacity.”

Mr Walton said the package underscored why BP’s decision in October to shut the Kwinana fuel refinery in WA should not be accepted.

“BP claims it has to shutdown Kwinana, but the reality is it’s just a preference based on the company’s commercial interest. There is absolutely no reason BP cannot continue operating Kwinana profitably with these support measures in place,” Mr Walton said.

“Our governments can’t allow BP to completely call the shots on what is a crucial sovereign capacity.

“Our leaders should put a hard choice to BP: either keep Kwinana running as a fuel refinery or hand it over to someone who can.”


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