Uniseed member universities hold more than half of patents from Australian research organisations

WEALTH manager Atlas Advisors Australia and venture fund Stoic Venture Capital have given an in-principle commitment to invest further with Uniseed.

Stoic Venture Capital is the co-investment Fund of Uniseed, a commercialisation fund which focuses on financing start-up companies that spin out from Australian member universities.

Stoic Partner and member of Uniseed’s investment committee, Geoff Waring said the venture fund’s relationship with Uniseed, which manages a $50 million commercialisation fund and a $20 million follow on fund, was highly valued.

Dr Waring said Uniseed’s partner research organisations comprised five of Australia’s top six research organisations which collectively developed more than 50 percent of all patents from Australian research organisations.

“The most valuable asset of any startup is intellectual property,” Dr Waring said. “Uniseed’s deals flow from the sources of more than half of Australia’s patents. 

"This, along with its expertise at commercialising research makes it unique in Australia."

Stoic Venture Capital has co-invested in 17 investments since making its first investments with Uniseed in 2018.

Atlas Advisors Australia is the largest limited partner in Stoic Venture Capital. Atlas Advisors Australia executive chairman Guy Hedley said Uniseed was ranked the fifth best university venture in the world, according to Global University Venturing.

“With more than $5 billion invested in annual research expenditure, Uniseed’s member organisations make up more than 40 percent of Australia’s organisational expenditure on research,” Mr Hedley said.

“This investment is leading to the development of innovative technology in medicine, applied science and engineering.

“The startups that evolve from Uniseed’s member organisations in turn generate employment and support growth in today’s tough economic environment,” Mr Hedley said. “We are pleased to support Uniseed’s objectives and the growth of their portfolio.”

Stoic Venture Capital’s investments in Uniseed’s portfolio include:

• Probiotic drink (PERKii);
• Drone radio-tracking technology (Wildlife Drones);
• Smart helmet for motorcycling (Forcite);
• Agricultural robots (Agerris);
• Enhancing immunity to fight respiratory diseases (Ena Therapeutics);
• Drug for treating kidney disease (Certa Therapeutics);
• Addiction rehabilitation drug (Kinoxis);
• Eye damage from diabetes (Occurx);
• Breast cancer side effects treatment (Que Oncology);
• Magnetic nanoparticles for cancer diagnosis (Ferronova).



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