BAS agents authorised to offer expanded super guarantee charge services

FOLLOWING extensive consultation with key stakeholders, the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) has registered a new BAS services legislative instrument, Tax Agent Services (Specified BAS Services No. 2) Instrument 2020.

The new legislative instrument allows BAS agents to provide an expanded range of services in relation to the superannuation guarantee charge (SGC), including supporting clients in their interactions with the Commissioner of Taxation.

This expansion builds on the services that BAS agents have already been providing under the previous legislative instrument.

TPB chair, Ian Klug said the consultation process revealed a widely supportive response to the expansion of services that BAS agents are now permitted to offer.

"The new legislative instrument provides additional certainty and clarity for BAS agents around the services they are able to offer relating to the superannuation guarantee and SGC," Mr Klug said.

"BAS agents are bound by the Code of Professional Conduct and must not provide the services if they do not have the requisite skills and competency."

Further information about the types of services that BAS agents can provide under the legislative instrument is available in the Explanatory Statement.

BAS agents can find information about available options for them to work with their client to lodge SGC statements at


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