Key seat voters demand support for local contractors over foreign conglomerates

VOTERS in marginal Queensland seats are willing to support political parties at this month’s State Election that commit to policies supporting Queensland and Australian contractors ahead of foreign multinationals.

An exclusive poll for Australian Owned Contractors (AOC) of more than 500 voters across 12 marginal Queensland electorates revealed that 90 percent of voters in these key seats wanted to stop the foreign domination of Queensland major infrastructure projects.

Voters in these key electorates feel so strongly about the issue that 49 percent indicated it would influence their vote at the State Election, with a further 34 percent saying it might influence their vote.

Currently, more than 80 percent of infrastructure projects in Queensland in excess of $100 million were awarded to foreign owned contractors.
AOC recently publicised research that shows five out of Queensland’s six biggest transport infrastructure projects – worth $8.9 billion – have been awarded to foreign owned companies in the last five years.

AOC director Scott Power said at a national level, 95 cents in every dollar spent by governments on major infrastructure projects ($500 million-plus) goes to foreign multinationals.

“Voters in key marginal seats want our politicians to change the rules and provide more opportunities for local companies to build Queensland,” Mr Power said.

“Queenslanders are not happy that profits are flowing overseas. They want Queensland and Australian owned business to take part in head contracts and deliver more of the state’s infrastructure.”

The polling also revealed that 79 percent of voters in these seats were unaware that all of Australia’s major construction companies were now foreign owned and 63 percent were unaware that most major contracts were being awarded to these major companies.

“This is why the AOC has embarked on our Let Us Build Queensland campaign,” Mr Power said.

“The campaign provides Queenslanders and Australians the opportunity to ensure their voice is heard by signing our petition.”

AOC is calling for Queensland and Australian politicians to change the rules and ‘unbundle’ infrastructure projects into smaller packages so Queensland and Australian companies can bid for them.

If a large contract ($500 million-plus) cannot be broken up, AOC is calling on the government to ensure that Australian companies are still able to play a role alongside foreign multinationals through procurement practices that ensure local industry sustainability.


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