Labor’s cheaper childcare plan works for women in small business says Ombudsman

THE Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell said Labor’s alternative Budget plan to make childcare cheaper, would deliver essential support to women in small business.

Ms Carnell's comments follow Labor Leader Anthony Albanese’s Budget reply speech, during which he pledged $6.2 billion over three years to increase rebates on childcare fees for all families.

“About 38 percent of small businesses are owned and operated by women, many of whom have been hit hard by the COVID crisis and rely on childcare as they work to get their businesses back up and running again,” Ms Carnell said.

“Right now childcare is unaffordable for many women in small businesses, particularly those who have businesses that have been severely impacted by COVID restrictions.

“We know this recession has had a disproportionate impact on women and with childcare fees remaining unaffordable, mothers – more often than not – need to spend more time at home to look after their kids. It’s bad for small business and even worse for the economy.

“There is an overwhelming economic case for affordable childcare, with many credible economists arguing it would boost the participation rate and deliver significant productivity gains.

“Crucially, affordable childcare would allow more women to work on growing their businesses – an important contribution to Australia’s economic recovery.”


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