QRC welcomes BHP’s major commitment to skills, METS

THE Queensland Resources Council has welcomed an announcement by BHP for 3,500 new apprentices of which half will be based in Queensland and up to a $450 million investment in the Mining, Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) sector.

QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane said the significant funding and training package would provide jobs and growth for Queensland’s economy as it recovers from the impacts of COVID.

“Queensland’s resources sector is the mainstay of the State’s economy because companies such as BHP invest in Queenslanders and Queensland businesses,” Mr Macfarlane said. 

“Hundreds of people in Queensland will have the opportunity to start a long and rewarding career in the resources sector thanks to BHP.

“QRC’s education arm the Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy has 75 schools across the State and teaches students trade skills. This Academy is supported by BHP who provide employees to assist teaching the students and pathways for the QMEA talent pipeline.

“Queensland METS sector is a key service provider to the resources industry and contributor to Australia’s economy supporting more than 1 million jobs.”

BHP said the almost $800 million package would be rolled out over five years:

  • An increase of 2,500 apprenticeships and traineeships through the BHP FutureFit Academy, established earlier this year, with associated spend of $300 million.
  • A further 1,000 skills development opportunities across a range of sectors in regional areas. BHP will invest $30 million and work with the Australian Government to create advanced apprenticeships and short courses in areas of potential future workforce demand.
  • $450 million to support national METS sector growth.



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