Builders back apprentice wage subsidy boost

THE Federal Government’s $1.2 billion commitment to support 100,000 new apprentices or trainees will boost opportunities for young people and business confidence in the building and construction industry, according to Master Builders Australia CEO Denita Wawn.

"Young people and building and construction businesses will be big winners from this new 50 percent wage subsidy,” Ms Wawn said.

“The confidence of building and construction businesses to take on apprentices has been further shaken by the COVID crisis and the Federal Government’s move help will sure up their commitment to invest in the future of their business and the future building industry workforce.

“We know that the building and construction industry takes substantially longer than the rest of the economy to recover from economic down turn and this 50 percent wage subsidy will give confidence to our sector that it can sustainably continue training its future workforce,” Ms Wawn said.

“Our members need confidence that they can and should continue to invest in the future capacity of their businesses despite the dramatic collapse in demand that we currently witnessing, and anticipate will worsen, particularly over the next 12 months.

“This $1.2 billion investment by the Government is undoubtedly good news but its effectiveness will be blunted without further stimulus to support and activate demand for building and construction services,” Ms Wawn said.


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