Hydrogen and batteries priority for tech plan

ENERGY NETWORKS Australia (ENA) has welcomed the recognition of hydrogen and batteries as key parts of the clean energy transition in the Federal Government's Technology Roadmap.

ENA CEO, Andrew Dillon, said the appointment of Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) CEO Ben Wilson to the ministerial reference group showed the clear role renewable gases would play in our energy future.

"This is not about one technology or another, it's about the right mix to achieve our goals of clean, reliable and affordable energy for Australia," Mr Dillon said.

"Household, distribution and transmission level batteries will play their part along with renewable gases like hydrogen.

"To maximise the value we get from batteries, we need to also improve pricing signals to encourage smart technologies such as household batteries and electric vehicles to charge and discharge when it’s best for everyone. Examples of this are already in practice by SA Power Networks, Western Power and Horizon Power."

Mr Dillon said the goal of producing hydrogen for $2 per kg should also be coupled with targets for blending hydrogen in our distribution networks.

"Our customers prefer using gas for cooking and heating, but they want to see emissions reductions," he said.

"Networks like those owned by AGIG, Jemena and ATCO are already trialling the blending of hydrogen for use in homes and businesses.

"The development of a domestic hydrogen market is an essential step towards getting the price of production down and supporting a viable export market."

An update to the energy industry's Gas Vision 2050 is expected to be released later this week. A collaboration of gas industry associations, this report models the role of gas and renewable gases like hydrogen in future domestic and industrial scenarios.


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