Resource jobs resourcing regions

TODAY'S announcement of a 1.3 percent drop in Queensland’s unemployment levels from 8.8 to 7.5 percent has been welcomed by the Queensland Resources Council.

Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane said mining and gas sector jobs continued to be advertised across the state, from Coolangatta to Cape York and Mount Isa.

According to Seek, there are currently 830 jobs in resources on offer, with more than 70 percent paying over $100,000 per annum.

Mr Macfarlane said it was no surprise the greatest decreases in unemployment figures were in the resource-rich states and territory of Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory.

He said the Queensland resources industry was very proud to have been able to keep 372,000 people employed and earning throughout the COVID-19 crisis.

“A Resources Industry Recovery Agenda jointly prepared by the QRC and AMEC has identified the next steps for our industry in terms of post-COVID future growth, investment and employment opportunities,” Mr Macfarlane said. 

“The plan takes the form of a partnership with the State Government and is based on the introduction of more streamlined regulatory approval processes and stable government policies, including a commitment to maintain royalty rates at current levels for the next 10 years, and no new taxes, fees or charges.” 

Mr Macfarlane said Queenslanders can count on the resources sector to help the state recover from COVID. 

“Resources can offer jobs, economic strength, export dollars and royalties that can be reinvested into services and infrastructure, but we need a much closer working relationship with the State Government to make this a reality,” he said. 

“The LNP and Katter Australia Party have already responded positively to our industry development plan, and the QRC will continue to have constructive talks with the State Government.”


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