Committee seeks to avoid cat-astrophe

AUSTRALA’s pesticides regulator, the Tasmanian and NSW Governments, bodies representing animal management and animal welfare along with environmental researchers, will appear at Wednesday’s fourth public hearing for the House of Representatives Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy’s inquiry into the problem of feral and domestic cats in Australia. 

Committee Chair Ted O’Brien MP said Wednesday’s public hearing “is an opportunity for the Committee to learn more about the complexities of managing feral and domestic cats effectively to reduce impacts on native wildlife and habitats".

A full program for the Committee’s hearing on Wednesday is available on the Committee’s website here.

Public hearing details

Date: Wednesday 9 September 2020
Time: 10am to 5pm
Location: Via teleconference

For the information of those wishing to listen to the public hearings, proceedings will be available on the Parliament’s website at:


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