Seeding progress for hydrogen

ENERGY Networks Australia has welcomed the announcement today of the Regional Hydrogen Technology Clusters Seed Funding Program.

The National Energy Resources Australia (NERA) scheme aims to build the skills, capacities and commercialisation opportunities necessary to unlock Australia's enormous potential to create a global hydrogen export market.

Energy Networks Australia head of gas, Dennis Van Puyvelde, said it was good to see progress on actions outlined in the National Hydrogen Strategy.

"Technology clusters will support the development of different technologies to bring down costs of hydrogen production, transport and end-use," Dr Van Puyvelde said.

"Mapping the hydrogen landscape will create better opportunities to collaborate on technology development and integrate supply chains.

"Networks are already pushing ahead with hydrogen demonstration projects, with two already in operation and two more under construction."

More information on the future of gas in Australia can be found in Gas Vision 2050.


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