Committee scales the fence to consider protection of native wildlife from feral cats

CONSERVATION fencing used to protect native Australian wildlife from predation by feral cats is a focus of Wednesday’s third public hearing for the House of Representatives Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy inquiry into the problem of feral and domestic cats in Australia.

Australian Wildlife Conservancy will appear before the committee to discuss its work in establishing feral cat-free areas, with a total of eight fenced areas and one entire island supporting populations of 15 nationally-threatened mammals around Australia.

Committee Chair Ted O’Brien MP said, “The work of organisations like Australian Wildlife Conservancy in protecting native Australian wildlife from predation by feral cats is an important undertaking and the Committee looks forward to hearing about its successes and challenges.”

Public hearing details

Date: Wednesday September 2, 2020
Time: 10.15am to 11am
Location: Via teleconference

For the information of those wishing to listen to the public hearings, proceedings will be available on the Parliament’s website. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, committee hearings are not presently open for physical attendance by members of the public.


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