New MOU for Tax Practitioners Board and Australian Bookkeepers Association 

THE Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) has signed its first memorandum of understanding (MoU) with a recognised Business Activity Statement (BAS) agent association, the Australian Bookkeepers Association (ABA). 

TPB chair Ian Klug said that a number of other recognised professional associations had expressed interest in similar agreements.

"We are delighted that the ABA is the first recognised professional association for BAS agents to join us in signing this MOU," Mr Klug said. 

"In developing these agreements, we are highlighting our intention to work collaboratively with tax and BAS practitioner associations to promote the integrity of the tax profession."

Mr Klug said that the agreement with the ABA, signed yesterday, will facilitate better information exchange between the two organisations.

"This TPB and ABA MoU will increase our mutual capacity to enhance the integrity of the BAS agent profession, including sharing information and intelligence about BAS agents’ compliance with the tax practitioners Code of Professional Conduct," Mr Klug said.

ABA director, Peter Thorp, said the spirit in which the MOU has been agreed is beneficial for both ABA and the TPB.

"The MoU will lead to greater co-operation, better communication and more streamlined procedural dealings between the ABA and the TPB," Mr Thorp said.

"A closer working relationship like the one envisaged in the MOU can only benefit the bookkeeping profession as a whole."

Mr Klug said the TPB is developing MoUs with other recognised professional associations and will announce more in coming months.


About the Tax Practitioners Board

The Tax Practitioners Board regulates tax practitioners in order to protect consumers. The TPB aims to assure the community that tax practitioners meet appropriate standards of professional and ethical conduct. Twitter @TPB_gov_au, Facebook and LinkedIn

About Australian Bookkeepers Association:

Australian Bookkeepers Association advances the cause of the bookkeeping profession in Australia. It does this in accordance with its Objects that foster education, training representation and professionalism. Twitter @ AustBookkeepers, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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