Gym owners see public flocking to exercise amidst pandemic

SUCCESSFUL Australian franchise business, Snap Fitness, reported it has seen locals emerge from lockdown with a new zest for life as sign ups skyrocket.

With at-home workouts taking a back seat, Australians seem keen to hit the gym and take advantage of flexible access despite the everchanging public environment. The brand is set to open 10 new clubs across the country before the year is out.

Snap Fitness is seeing record numbers flocking to clubs with membership growth of 89 percent  in June and 72 percent in July, making it clear fitness is a priority or those wanting to get back into the swing of things.

Predicting 3.8 percent of growth annually over the next five years, the fitness industry is currently worth $3 billion in Australia, employing over 21,000 people. Although the sector was hit hard by COVID-19, this growth doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

Snap Fitness national franchise sales manager, Gabe Condello said, “If you have ever been looking to invest in a business, now is the time to consider the fitness industry, as it can take up to 6-12 months to get a club open. We are seeing great opportunities present themselves right now, from landlords providing flexible arrangements to more people than ever wanting to be fit and healthy, leading to solid returns for clubs coming out of COVID.”

While Snap Fitness has said it was excited to welcome gym goers back through their doors, new precautions will be taken to ensure their workout spaces align with current health and safety guidelines.

Equipment has been set up to allow for social distancing, self-cleaning stations are available at all clubs, increased cleaning procedures are in place and clubs have updated their amenities to abide by guidelines including showers, water coolers, fans and spaced out lockers.



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