National Redress Scheme second interim report: focus areas determined

THE Joint Select Committee on Implementation of the National Redress Scheme has agreed that the next stage of its ongoing inquiry and second interim report will give close examination to the following areas:

  • Ongoing survivor experience;
  • Operation of the National Redress Scheme, including decision-making frameworks and processes;
  • Provision of legal advice to survivors;
  • Survivor and institution participation in the scheme; and
  • Responses from jurisdictions and others to the Committee’s first interim report.

The Committee is currently receiving submissions to inform the second interim report and anticipates that public hearings will take place in September 2020. A program of public hearings will be made available in due course from the website.

The Committee is aware that its inquiry work will be taking place at the same time as the legislated two year anniversary review of the National Redress Scheme currently being supported by the Department of Social Services.

The Committee wishes to clarify that the two processes are separate, the legislated two year anniversary review will report to government, and this Joint Parliamentary Committee will continue to report to the Parliament.

The Committee wishes to assure survivors who participate or contribute to the second interim report that all requests for confidentiality will be respected.

Further detail on each focus area is available on the Committee website.


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