Energy networks extend COVID customer support

ELECTRICITY networks in Victoria have today announced an extension of relief measures for customers impacted by COVID-19.

Under the voluntary extension, eligible customers will be able to access support for a further six-months to January 31, 2021.

This is the second extension of the proactive relief package announced by networks on April 2, 2020, and this modified package will allow small retailers to defer the payment of eligible network charges.

The extension applies to Victorian electricity networks CitiPower, Powercor, United Energy, Jemena and AusNet Services.

Gas networks in Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia also have extended support for small retailers to December 2020.

All networks in the National Electricity Market, outside Victoria, are continuing to work with the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on the proposed rule change to allow certain retailers to defer eligible network charges.

Energy Networks Australia CEO Andrew Dillon said electricity and gas networks around the country were again stepping up to support customers.

"Support is available – if any customer is having difficulty with energy bills, I urge you to contact your electricity or gas retailer," Mr Dillon said.

"Energy networks are also minimising the impact of planned outages on our customers when conducting critical works needed to keep the lights on and the gas flowing during these unprecedented times."



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