JobKeeper extension right move for builders, tradies, economy and community

THE EXTENSION of the JobKeeper scheme is the right move for the building and construction industry and will help boost confidence in our industry, the economy and the community, according to Master Builders Australia CEO Denita Wawn.

“Building and construction is the industry with the most businesses registered for JobKeeper and that reflects that 98 percent of the industry is comprised of small businesses and with more small businesses than any other sector of the economy,” Ms Wawn said.

“There’s no doubt that JobKeeper continues to be lifeline for thousands of small builders and tradies as well as many in the building supply chain.The continuing easier accessibility for sole traders  to access the scheme is also important.

“HomeBuilder is proving to be one of the most effective government stimulus measures for at least a decade but many small builders and tradies still face an extremely tough 12 months at least, which is reflected in forecasts of a major contraction in demand,” Ms Wawn said.

“Master Builders recognises the government’s continuing efforts to put together a range of measures to support the viability of businesses and the jobs of the thousands of people they employ. The government’s JobTrainer program will also support these businesses to continue keeping apprentices in jobs which ensure young people have opportunities in the industry as the economy recovers.

“However, while there is no question as to the effectiveness of JobKeeper, and JobTrainer a pipeline of work is essential to the recovery of the industry and the economy. 

"As the government recognises, the massive contraction in demand that we are experiencing is due to the restrictions on economic activity imposed to save lives and therefore more successful stimulus measures such as HomeBuilder will be required to underpin recovery,” Ms Wawn said.


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