Victoria-NSW border closure 'disappointing but necessary' says AFTA

THE Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA) said the decision to close the Victoria–New South Wales border was disappointing but necessary.

AFTA, the peak industry body which represents 3000 travel agents and their 40,000 employees, has been working constructively with government as well as other industry associations, and key stakeholders in the tourism sector.

AFTA CEO, Darren Rudd said, “AFTA will continue to work collaboratively with government at a Federal, State and Territory level to constructively navigate these incredibly confronting times.

“We acknowledge that the primary focus of government and health authorities is protecting lives and containing the spread, whilst also re-booting the economy in a sensible way.”

About AFTA

The Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA) is the peak body in Australia representing the retail travel industry. Founded in 1957, AFTA represents the majority of travel agents in Australia and includes all of the major travel agency groups. AFTA’s role is to uphold the interests of members in matters relating to the operation of all travel agencies in Australia. In broad terms these issues are ones that are not addressed by agent chain or corporate entities on behalf of their members, and are ones that involve the industry as a whole.


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