COSBOA gives thumbs up to ACCC’s legal action against Coles


THE Council of Small Business of Australia (COSBOA) congratulates the competition watchdog the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) for its launch of legal proceedings against Coles for its alleged treatment of 200 suppliers.

The ACCC issued proceedings in the Federal Court based on allegations the retail giant engaged in unconscionable conduct under the unconscionable conduct under the Active Retail Collaboration program which Coles established in 2011. The ACCC will argue that the behaviour of Coles breached Australian Consumer Law.

COSBOA Executive Director, Peter Strong today said that the behaviour of large retail companies has been a huge issue for the small businesses of Australia for a very long time.

COSBOA congratulates the ACCC on having the strength to undertake this legal campaign. We acknowledge their decision to take this very important action especially against a company with significant resources.

“This action by the ACCC sends a strong message to the supermarket and retail sectors. It says that regardless of your size you will be held accountable for your actions and the affect this has on businesses everywhere,” said Mr Strong.

In a statement released today, ACCC Chairman Rod Sims said, “The conduct of Coles alleged by the ACCC in these proceedings was capable of causing significant detriment to small suppliers’ businesses. This could have resulted in these businesses becoming less able to plan and less able to innovate in the market, with resulting reduced economic efficiency and consumer detriment."

The statement further explained: “The ACCC is seeking pecuniary penalties, declarations, injunctions and costs."

These proceedings arise from a broader investigation by the ACCC into allegations that supermarket suppliers were being treated inappropriately by the major supermarket chains. That broader investigation is continuing.

"The matter is listed for a directions hearing in Melbourne on 6 June 2014.”



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