NSW offers help in improving COVID safety at work

THE NSW Government has launched a new suite of guidance materials to help all types of businesses manage the risk of COVID-19.

Minister for Better Regulation, Kevin Anderson said these new materials had been specifically created for non-customer facing businesses, to ensure everyone has access to industry specific, practical guidance to prevent the spread of the virus.

“About 45,000 businesses have already downloaded the NSW Government’s COVID Safety Plans, and we’ve now created additional resources for offices, construction sites, farms, and manufacturing premises,” Mr Anderson said.

“The materials being made available include practical, inexpensive guidance that will no doubt inspire some innovative strategies as they are put into play.”

For example, in an office environment, a safety plan can be tailored to variables such as numbers of staff, whether the building has lifts, shared amenities or hot desks.

“Common misconceptions for office workers are that hot-desking is banned, and that only one person can ride in a lift at a time. That’s simply not true so long as you clean your desk thoroughly before and after use, and maintain a social distance within the lift,” Mr Anderson said.

“Ultimately we want to focus on getting NSW’s economy back up and running and providing businesses with the right guidance to operate safely and successfully in the current climate.

“I encourage every business to jump online and download these simple yet powerful tools to map out a safe way back to business that puts customers and workers front and centre.”

The new campaign materials including social media tiles, downloadable posters and checklists for all NSW offices are available at www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/industry-guidelines/office-environment-including-call-centres



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